Besides weekly masses, religion classes, catechism classes, 1st Communion, Confirmation, and baptisms, COAR is working in partnership with the Sisters of Our Lady of the Pillar of Zaragoza to offer our teens religious retreats where they can be open, honest and reflective about God, spirituality, moral decision making and their own self reflection, fears, and doubts. This past month, 11 teen girls went on a powerful religious retreat with the Sisters and our director, offsite, to a local Catholic retreat house.
Through the teen’s sponsorship letters, we have seen that these spiritual retreats are making an impact. And, the kids are taking them seriously. Time and time again, the retreats are mentioned as being one of the most impactful and positive experiences in their young lives.
We are grateful not only to the Sisters for organizing and running these off-site retreats. But, we must also commend our local Director for creating, promoting and fully supporting this important activity.
COAR was named after slain Archbishop Oscar Romero and was founded only 5 months after his death in 1980; Two of the four Martyred Churchwomen, prior to their deaths, worked with the child war refugees who would later populate COAR; for the first 20+ years, the Incarnate Word Sisters lived at COAR and provided the daily love, care and nurturing that the kids needed and deserved.
As 2016 draws to an end, we are proud that COAR is a Catholic institution, administered by the Archdiocese, that nurtures the children in a community of faith – inspiring the children to love God and promote peace, human dignity, social justice and support for the common good.