COAR's Community, in service to many

Clinic, Chapel & more
The COAR campus is located in the small town of Zaragoza, about halfway between the capital city of San Salvador and the beach town of El Puerto de la Libertad. COAR meets the needs of the children, our local parish, Nuestra Señora del Pilar, and the surrounding neighbors with:
a clinic,
a large chapel,
and classes and special events,
practical, and
spiritual services
for the entire community.

COAR is administered by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Salvador.
The children celebrate the sacraments at the local parish church. The children have met the bishops and cardinals that support COAR, though, as children, they don’t realize the strength of that support.

Strong Child Protection Policies
In 2009, the Salvadoran government passed a monumental new child protection law that lead many smaller facilities to close. Through COAR the Archdiocese is committed to working within those laws to shelter vulnerable children. COAR is a nationally recognized leader in implementing the child care laws, policies, and procedures.

Nuns are grandmothers-in-residence
A special addition several years ago was a small group of nuns originally from Spain, the Congregation of Nuestra Señora del Pilar. They have become our grandmothers in residence. They offer tutoring, a shoulder to cry on, and catechism. They are godparents when our children are baptized and sponsors when they reach Confirmation.

Local groups and volunteers
Salvadorans are keen to help their Church, community, and vulnerable children. But they are limited by poverty. So, while they cannot donate money, outside groups do volunteer time, services, and supplies.
Examples include a local women’s Catholic group that brings crafts and entertainment; local university students who practice art and music therapy; a local health group that explains eating disorders; a local business that supplies books and paint for a learning center.
Every weekend brings a different group of concerned and resourceful adults as role models for our children.