COAR’s School

May Day Intramural Day

The little ones dress for fun

Always a Procession We have featured many of the processions/parades (it is a blended concept) that occur at COAR every May: celebrating Jesus’ mother Mary (including the May Crowning, the feast days of Our Lady of Fatima, Mary the Mother of the Church, the Visitation),  Mother’s Day (usually celebrated at COAR as Dia de la […]

COAR in the Community

Bendición de Dios ~ Blessing of God COAR’s parish pastor, Fr. Vladimir, says mass at the big parish in town (see our town’s fiesta, click here), of course, and at the COAR chapel of St. Joseph, on our campus. But as with most parish priests in El Salvador he also has a circuit of small […]

It’s a Fiesta!

(Photo credit: Nuestra Señora del Pilar parish Facebook page) In every little town in El Salvador (there are 262 of them!), you’ll find, once a year, the fiestas patronales of that town. Originating as a celebration of the feast day of the town’s patron saint, the fiestas are a cross between a county fair, a […]

Before You Leave For the Summer…

Gifts from – and for – schools! Thank You! Padua Franciscan High School (Parma, OH) Magnificat High School (Rocky River, OH) Edison High School (Milan, OH) Desks for our school Stoves and refrigerators Reading the instructions, thanks to education Magnificat! Your gift of $750 from The Hispanic/Latina Student Association uniform-free day has helped us to […]

What We Did on Our Summer Vacation

As many of you know, and may have even experienced this summer, a portion of COAR’s funding is raised through the Mission Cooperative Plan or “mission appeal” at various churches around North America. Our speakers often enjoy meeting new supporters, connecting with people about El Salvador or our mission, and even occasionally running into donors […]

More about Fr. Juan Carlos

This blog article is a follow-up to our August e-mail feature article about meeting Fr. Juan Carlos Tejada, a COAR school graduate and now  pastor of one of the parishes we visited this summer! Father Juan Carlos grew up in San José Villanueva, the next town over from Zaragoza, where COAR is located. He is the oldest […]

Remembering Fr. Ken Myers

Every March 2nd, the COAR school holds a memorial Mass to honor our founder Fr. Vladimir says the memorial Mass for Fr. Ken in the chapel that Fr. Ken built in 1983The high school students around Fr. Ken’s photo shout, “Gracias Padre Ken y su familia” (Thank you Fr. Ken and family)High school students at […]

Fall Festivals 2022


Oops! We goofed! If you’re looking for the Community Film School Finale page, click here! Watch (58sec) as COAR and our town and parish celebrate September 15th, El Salvador’s Independence Day, and October 12th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Pilar (Nuestra Señora del Pilar). The band plays “Mary the white dove”:It is […]

Sept. News – CORN healing body and soul – Solidarity 1 of 3

Soft Corn – Central Americans, where corn was born, celebrate the brief time, August-September, when they eat “soft corn”.

Corn first evolved in Central America and has gone on to be fundamental to world food supplies.  But back where it all started . . . the pictures below show the total corn cycle at COAR.  It starts with planting corn on our large campus in the spring.  This year the St. Edward High School […]

Sept. News – Teaching English, Soccer, the Party! – Solidarity 2 of 3

Dinner Party – Time to talk, and they did after a week of learning English and Spanish (they are young) with a card commemorating this night of solidarity.

During a week-long visit in June (the first visitors we’ve had since 2019) the men of St. Edward High School, Lakewood, OH, spent quality time with the students of the COAR high school (teaching English, our standard, and most valuable service!) and quality time with some of our residents. This included a nice sit-down dinner […]