Before You Leave For the Summer…

Gifts from - and for - schools! Thank You!

  • Padua Franciscan High School (Parma, OH)
  • Magnificat High School (Rocky River, OH)
  • Edison High School (Milan, OH)
  • Desks for our school
  • Stoves and refrigerators
  • Reading the instructions, thanks to education


Your gift of $750 from The Hispanic/Latina Student Association uniform-free day has helped us to buy . . . uniforms! 10 sets for 10 girls who otherwise, well, there is no alternative. These young women have come from abandonment, abuse, and trafficking. BUT because of your generosity they look like young women walking to any Catholic school in the US. A vital step to their healing and hope is to succeed at school, socially as well as educationally. You’ve helped them enormously with these uniforms. It will give them the pride and dignity that they need to take their place among their more fortunate classmates.

Padua Franciscan!

Your Christmas for Others gift of $1,000.00 has provided a full year of high school (and books, supplies, uniforms, fees – and blankets, which they are having fun with) for Jennifer and Nicho – their last this year! But more amazing is that, as you can see from the picture on the left, Padua students have been caring for them both for most of their lives. Their future success as college students, work colleagues, parents, and citizens will be because of the example of service and generosity that you have set for them.


Thank you for new stoves and refrigerators (and the ability to read the assembly instructions!)

And for the new and repaired desks!