The COAR school is our parish school

The COAR School was founded in 1980 to serve the refugee community. It is now the school of our parish, Nuestra Señora del Pilar, in Zaragoza. Because El Salvador’s public education system cannot serve all who need it, your gift enables children from The COAR Children’s Village as well as the surrounding area to attend school here. We provide an education for 1,000 students, pre-K through 12th grade. It is one of the best schools in the region.
The school has regular masses during the week and holy days, it hosts all the area schools for the annual Intramural Day, and has been honored by the UN for helping to achieve the Millenium Development Goal of universal primary education.

We offer traditional studies as well as vocational training in health, hospitality, and farming. We are especially proud (and grateful to you) for our computers and peripherals.

We offer entrepreneurial workshops and internships.
Our graduates go on to university as well as vocational training, as their abilities allow.

But most importantly, we remain open when gang violence closes the schools around us.

COAR has a security wall and armed guards that provide the only safe space that many of our children know.
That is what your support achieves.