Celebrating 44 years of love, family, and fidelity

COAR’s 44th Anniversary, Aug 15th Every anniversary year is another chance to show the kids how much love and support they have, from all of us, and from so many people who have gone before us. Joyful sacrifice, that is what they learn, and they live it – thanks to you. The celebration begins with […]
May Day Intramural Day

Always a Procession We have featured many of the processions/parades (it is a blended concept) that occur at COAR every May: celebrating Jesus’ mother Mary (including the May Crowning, the feast days of Our Lady of Fatima, Mary the Mother of the Church, the Visitation), Mother’s Day (usually celebrated at COAR as Dia de la […]
February Charm

Charming pictures to brighten your February In case your browser doesn’t show our captions: Susan, our Programs Director, the tallest by far, with our two littlest at our February visit. After school, waiting for pickup, the girl in the green backpack asked Teacher Marta, “Do you know Dinora who lives at COAR? She is tremendous.” […]
Who The Children Say That They Are

Gathered from various activities this past year, these are the way that the COAR children and teens see themselves. This is their culture, these are their triumphs and their goals. SUCCESSES OF 2023 Arrayed on the left side, photos labeled: ACTIVITIES TRAINING RECREATION SPIRITUALITY FÁTIMA (our interna with Down syndrome who brings out the tenderness in […]
Giving Thanks for the Abundance of Summer

El Salvador is blessed with sunshine and fertile soil Every May 3rd Salvadorans celebrate the Day of the Cross with beautiful displays, sculptures really. A cross is adorned with fruits and flowers. It is one of many feasts and customs from around the world that have arisen from the absorption and melding of an indigenous […]
“All I Want for Christmas is Yooouu”
At a Christmas party thrown in November the new COAR residents are already doing what youth always does ~ making new friends, bringing new energy and talents, and healing. Merry Christmas! Jennifer, at COAR from the age of 1 year old, welcomes everyone to the party. Danna helps Dinora read a Christmas poem. Valeria shows […]
Community Film School Finale

The Moment We’ve All Been Waiting For… For nearly three years, we’ve been talking about the Community Film School. We’ve seen pictures of works in progress, meet-ups, and classes. We’ve heard about how COAR’s kids are growing in skills, confidence, and experience. But we haven’t (yet) seen any final projects. Now, after hours and hours […]
Fall Festivals 2022

Oops! We goofed! If you’re looking for the Community Film School Finale page, click here! Watch (58sec) as COAR and our town and parish celebrate September 15th, El Salvador’s Independence Day, and October 12th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Pilar (Nuestra Señora del Pilar). https://youtu.be/lVE_g_FhZsU The band plays “Mary the white dove”:It is […]
Sept. News – CORN healing body and soul – Solidarity 1 of 3

Corn first evolved in Central America and has gone on to be fundamental to world food supplies. But back where it all started . . . the pictures below show the total corn cycle at COAR. It starts with planting corn on our large campus in the spring. This year the St. Edward High School […]
Sept. News – Teaching English, Soccer, the Party! – Solidarity 2 of 3

During a week-long visit in June (the first visitors we’ve had since 2019) the men of St. Edward High School, Lakewood, OH, spent quality time with the students of the COAR high school (teaching English, our standard, and most valuable service!) and quality time with some of our residents. This included a nice sit-down dinner […]