Baptisms, First Communions, and Confirmations

Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations

Despite the pandemic, the eternal...

...for 2,000 years, through plagues, natural disasters, and wars, children have grown in grace through these sacred rituals.

Though often celebrated in the spring in North America, the sacraments are usually celebrated in December in El Salvador, as they were this year.
COAR's newly baptized also received the sacrament of First Communion.

Catechism classes…a little different than they were 2,000 years ago!

Another age-old tradition: retreats to engage the children deeply in a setting that takes them away from their ordinary lives and opens up new ways of thinking.

Back at COAR the Confirmandi celebrate, watched over by a Spanish prayer of consecration to the Holy Spirit: “Holy Spirit, Divine Guest of my soul, I consecrate myself to you anew today. May you fill me with your grace and harmonize my senses.”