Newsletter – Web

Loss of a great friend: Padre Mario Adín Cruz Zaldívar

Remebering Padre Mario Padre Mario Adin Cruz Zaldívar died on August 25th of complications from COVID at a hospital in San Pedro Sula, in the northern part of Honduras. Fr. Mario was born and ordained in Honduras, as part of a religious order. In the 1980s, he served a community of Salvadoran refugees who’d fled […]

“Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return”

The COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine are the backdrop for Lent, Easter, and the Resurrection. The children are healthy, thanks to you. They are praying for your health amidst this COVID-19 pandemic. Lent began at COAR on February 26th, Ash Wednesday, with the traditional Catholic ceremony of making a cross on the forehead with ashes of the […]

March 2020 – Executive Director’s Reflections & News from El Salvador

Catholics will be familiar with the term, “Ordinary Time”. It refers to times within the Church’s annual liturgical cycle when there is no focus on a particular feast (such as Christmas). Rather, it is a celebration of our life with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and each other in the Church, in its fullness. This has not been ordinary time.

December 2019 – Motherless

At the COAR office, we are motherless. Mary Alice (Mickey) Horner died on October 17th. Ellen Hayes Stevenson died on October 23rd. Mickey is John Atlee Horner’s mother, our Director of International Programs. Ellen is Mary Stevenson’s mother, our Executive Director. Our only other staff member, Jenni, our bookkeeper and database manager, lost her mother, […]

Santa’s Elves

Workshops Give Children Skills, Satisfaction, and Joy One of the wonderful things about COAR is that there are many options for residents. Fundación Renacer provides internship and English opportunities for high academic achieving students. COAR staff works to encourage young men and women in mechanics, sewing, baking, and other trades. And students who have learning […]

COAR’s 2019 Open House

Full of Friendship and Fun Interested in joining us this summer? Check out our 2020 Open House information and application! From July 2-8 we held COAR’s first Open House for visitors.  Our guests were five supporters, four of them sponsors. So what did we do on our summer vacation?? Alane and Linda Thank You Alex […]