Support of the Church and Culture
^ October 12th ~ Celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of the Pilar of Zaragoza, Spain, in our little, beautiful, town and parish of Zaragoza, El Salvador.
^ Padre Octavio visits the Sr. Dorothy Kazel archive at the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland
November 7th ~ Padre Octavio Cruz met with the COAR Peace Mission Board of Directors and staff in Cleveland. P. Octavio is the Director of the Vicariate for Human Development-CARITAS for the Archdiocese of San Salvador. It is the Board’s priority to make sure that COAR’s mission is aligned with the Archdiocese’s vision for the children and its pastoral care for all the people of the Archdiocese. v
Padre Octavio made special mention to the Board of the greater vulnerability of girls in the current climate of gang violence.