Three ways to visit:
Always contact the COAR Peace Mission office to arrange any visit, even if you have visited before:
- The safety and security of the children is our highest priority. This means that visitors without an appointment are not permitted on campus.
- No one at COAR speaks English.
- The schedule of the school and resident children changes frequently and their schedule takes precedence.
- COAR sometimes hosts large community events and visitors cannot be accommodated.
#1 – Day visits – Groups and individuals are all welcome to visit. Contact our office to make sure someone will be available to give a tour and answer questions. Under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. We can even arrange a morning teaching English – contact us!

#2 – Custom-designed and led MISSION/SERVICE TRIP for your school, parish, or group, >5, click for more.
#3 – Join our Annual “Open House” for individuals and small groups who can join us for at least four days within the week, (usually around a holiday to make travelling easier), click for exact dates this year and details.