Donors & Donations

March 2025 – Sometimes all you can see is . . . the cross

First-aid training--stabilizing head injuries

from our most recent visit, updates on each one First-aid and grooming workshops Twice a year, usually February and November, we visit COAR and learn each child’s story: the new girls, successes and challenges of those we already know, and any news of those who have moved on.  This is a special story we heard […]

September 2024 Newsletter – New Scholarships!


Education, the Foundation of Every Child’s Hope Our School is Thriving, So . . . We are dramatically expanding our scholarship program – thanks to you Our new sponsorship coordinator, Reina. Fun fact: she studied at COAR from 5th-9th grade. COAR did not have a high school until 1996, so after 9th grade, she left […]

Cleveland Bishop Malesic and companions :) visit COAR

Bishop Malesic and Cleveland clergy retreat visit COAR

September: Several of the COAR kids (those not in school that afternoon) and our visitors.  Bishop Malesic, seated in the center, wearing a large cross on a chain . . . Bishop Malesic shares his cross with Carlos Alberto, who is delighted (and momentarily speechless (that won’t last ) No visit to COAR is complete […]