Info on El Salvador

25 Years After the Peace Accords: Catholic Church Still Planting Seeds of Hope

The banners on several online Salvadoran newspapers have recently proclaimed that it is the “25th Anniversary of the Peace Accords”.  In an act of national reflection, online papers have begun to dedicate space to a societal discussion of what has changed in El Salvador since the Peace Treaty.   Surprisingly, most of the discussion refers […]

Possible Food Shortage: Central America Suffers Unusual Drought Due to El Nino

  The climate in El Salvador is quite different from what we are used to in the northern MidWest. Our winter, roughly November thru April, is actually the Salvadoran summer. It is the dry and sunny season. There is almost no significant rainfall during this time of year. It is the beach-lovers paradise: tons of […]

Salvadorans love Korean Soap Operas! Who knew?

How many of you have flipped through the cable channels and stopped, ever so briefly, on a Mexican Soap Opera? Here in America, the Mexican Telenovela is ubiquitous.  They are often the butt of jokes in movies and English-language TV shows.  But, did you know that since 2004, Korean Soap Operas or “Doramas” have dominated […]

Oscar Romero “Smiles Down upon El Salvador” during his Beatification

May 23rd, 2015, over 250,000 Salvadorans flooded the streets surrounding the Divino Salvador del Mundo monument in the capital city to celebrate the beatification of slain Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero. The Archdiocese had constructed a temporary stage in front of the monument. Throngs of people lined the streets emanating outward like roots of hope from […]

Maybe Some Justice for the 4 Church Women?

At 1230pm on Wednesday, April 8th, 2015, former Salvadoran General Carlos Vides Casanova, walked onto the tarmac at the Comalapa International airport in El Salvador, a deported man – a man with an uncertain future. After 25 years in Florida, his deportation back to El Salvador was now a reality. Vides Casanova had been head […]

Salvadoran General Faces Deportation

Apr 17 – A former Salvadoran defense minister faces deportation after a U.S. judge in Miami found that atrocities committed by troops under his command were not fully investigated, much less prosecuted. Those atrocities include the killings of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, four U.S. churchwomen [two from Cleveland, OH], and more than 1,000 peasants at El Mozote, the worst massacre of civilians in contemporary Latin American history.

Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes met personally with Pope Francis

In February 2014, out-going Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes met personally with Pope Francis in the private library at the Apostolic Palace. Funes brought with him a piece of the cassock that Monsenor Romero was wearing at the moment when he was assassinated at the altar during Mass in 1980.