From the Peace Mission’s
Executive Director
By Mary K. Stevenson
So, “The Expert” Seems To Be Saying
Our Budget Needs to Increase
by $50,000.00
As I read head-line after head-line about El Salvador these past few months, I was overwhelmed by how well COAR is doing. It is an excellent and safe child care facility and school. That success is due to the dedicated staff: housemothers, teachers, security guards, maintenance workers, office staff, psychologists, social workers, and especially, our Director of Residences, Marta, and Director of the School, Jorge. The Directors promote a culture of care, vigilance, honesty, and commitment. They regularly hold training sessions and attend professional development seminars. COAR has to be strong to keep out the gangs.
But COAR’s quality comes at a price. “You can always spot the expert as the one who tells you the job will cost the most and take the longest.” Our expenses are about $50,000.00 more this year than they were a few years ago. This is mostly due to increased staff: security and child care staff. If you already give as much as you can, then thank you. It has built this wonderful oasis of security. But if you did not know our needs, and are able to help, your increased gifts will secure the future.
If you can hold a sponsorship drive at your church, school, or club, that is a great way to invite new people to join us. Promoting COAR through your social media is another way. Remembering COAR in your will is the ultimate gift to future generations. Any gift promotes peace, lasting peace. Thanks.