GCC-Give a Child a Chance
Provide School Subsidy for a Child
$180/Year, or, $15/month
Why the word “subsidy”? Because your sponsorship will pay more than tuition. It will pay into a larger fund that helps the school with security and supplies and special needs. The COAR School, founded in 1980 to serve the refugee community, is now the parochial school of Zaragoza. Because El Salvador’s public education system cannot serve all who need it, your gift enables children from The COAR Children’s Village as well as the surrounding area to attend school here. For the child you sponsor it helps with tuition (which averages $200/year grades preK-9th, and $350/year in high school), uniforms, and school supplies.

GCH-Give a Child a Home
Provide Living Costs for One Child
$300/Year, or, $25/month
The COAR Children’s Village provides foster care to children ranging in age from infants to 18 years. the “Casitas” (little homes) provided in the village house 5-10 children of varying ages and a house mother. This model is intended to provide a family-like environment with older children acting as role models and assisting with the younger children. Each house is responsible for its own cooking, cleaning, and other chores.
Your sponsorship supports a larger fund that covers all the costs of providing foster care: food, clothing, medical expenses, structural maintenance of the houses and other communal structures, special services that the children need, and fun things like field trips.
The total annual cost varies each year. Since 2015 it has averaged $8,000/year/child. For this reason, each child has more than one sponsor. To the children, it multiplies the love.

FAQs-Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to download more detailed answers . . .
The Basics:
We will assign you a child and send you your child’s name, a picture, birthdate, and an introductory letter. Then twice year, spring and fall, we will send a letter and picture from your child with updates on school, home, special events, and milestones (like birthdays and Christmas). The letters really do come from the children so we can’t always predict what they find newsworthy.
Can I write to my Child?
Absolutely. Send letters to our COAR office, via mail or email. We will translate your letter, send it down to COAR, and translate the response before sending it to you. To reduce the cost of mailings we only send letters back and forth about four times/year. Contact our office if you are concerned to make a particular mailing date such as a holiday or birthday.
Can I send Gifts?
Not really. Anything that can fit into a large envelope, is lightweight, and of little value are the only things that are cost-effective to send and avoid customs delays.
Start your sponsorship with a gift, below
Three ways to give: credit card (below), direct-debit-US-only (below), Venmo & PayPal (you’ll get the option at check-out – or – click here)

Donation Notes:
• We read the comments!
• If monthly, please check the “Make this a monthly gift” box.
• On behalf of a company? Check the “Make this gift on behalf of an organization” box – or – tell us in the comments.
• Memorial or Honorary? Tell us about in the comments, e.g.: To Whom to send a card or other instructions.
• Annual Benefit? Visit the Annual Benefit page (click) for more options – or – use the comments box.
• Looking to donate stock or through an IRA-QCD (Qualified Charitable Distribution under §408(d)(8)? Details (click here) or contact your retirement manager.