Newsletter – Web

Report on 2020 and Challenges for 2021

By COAR’s Board President: Melanie Reda On January 4th, my father called me to tell me that he received his $600 stimulus check and he was so excited. So of course, I checked too. And I had indeed received a $600 stimulus check. How exciting! What a windfall! And then my thoughts turned to how […]

This is why you give: 40 years of keeping children safe and enabling resilience

The children are safe from this pandemic. The children are meeting the challenges of this pandemic. The children will be prepared when this pandemic ends. When this 40th year began we thought it would be non-stop celebrations at the Children’s Village, in our town and parish in Zaragoza, all over El Salvador, and among supporters […]

Loss of a great friend: Padre Mario Adín Cruz Zaldívar

Remebering Padre Mario Padre Mario Adin Cruz Zaldívar died on August 25th of complications from COVID at a hospital in San Pedro Sula, in the northern part of Honduras. Fr. Mario was born and ordained in Honduras, as part of a religious order. In the 1980s, he served a community of Salvadoran refugees who’d fled […]