Newsletter – Web

Community Film School and Facing Reality

Or, how to keep busy during an ongoing pandemic . . . Interhouse soccer tournaments, daily gospel reflections, and Zumba videos can only get you so far—even with the usual schoolwork and household chores. So Marta, our director, has found a creative outlet for six of our COAR kids. She’s signed them up for film […]

June 2021 – Executive Director’s Reflections & News from El Salvador

Watercolor original by: Marie Spaeder Haas

I DESERVE A PATH FREE OF VIOLENCE COAR Children designed this movie poster on emigration: “YOUR LIFE IS WORTH MORE THAN AN UNCERTAIN DESTINATION / I DESERVE A PATH FREE OF VIOLENCE” The film school opportunity (featured in our news this month) started as a remote‑learning, creative outlet during the pandemic. But the first project […]

Baptisms, First Communions, and Confirmations

Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations Despite the pandemic, the eternal… …for 2,000 years, through plagues, natural disasters, and wars, children have grown in grace through these sacred rituals. Catechumans wait to receive the light of Christ… …in the form of their baptismal candles Newly baptized Though often celebrated in the spring in North America, the sacraments […]

Report on 2020 and Challenges for 2021

By COAR’s Board President: Melanie Reda On January 4th, my father called me to tell me that he received his $600 stimulus check and he was so excited. So of course, I checked too. And I had indeed received a $600 stimulus check. How exciting! What a windfall! And then my thoughts turned to how […]

This is why you give: 40 years of keeping children safe and enabling resilience

The children are safe from this pandemic. The children are meeting the challenges of this pandemic. The children will be prepared when this pandemic ends. When this 40th year began we thought it would be non-stop celebrations at the Children’s Village, in our town and parish in Zaragoza, all over El Salvador, and among supporters […]