Who The Children Say That They Are

Gathered from various activities this past year, these are the way that the COAR children and teens see themselves. This is their culture, these are their triumphs and their goals. SUCCESSES OF 2023 Arrayed on the left side, photos labeled: ACTIVITIES TRAINING RECREATION SPIRITUALITY FÁTIMA (our interna with Down syndrome who brings out the tenderness in […]
COAR in the Community

Bendición de Dios ~ Blessing of God COAR’s parish pastor, Fr. Vladimir, says mass at the big parish in town (see our town’s fiesta, click here), of course, and at the COAR chapel of St. Joseph, on our campus. But as with most parish priests in El Salvador he also has a circuit of small […]
December 2023 – Executive Director’s Reflections & News from El Salvador

Executive Director’s Reflections Dignifying lives & healing hearts; WE ARE ALL called to be builders of peace I was moved to tears, proud and happy tears, when they rushed up to me with the new shirts emblazoned with their new motto: WE ARE ALL called to be builders of peace (on the front); Dignifying lives […]
December 2023 Memorials & Honorary

Memorial Gifts Honorary Gifts
Let’s Talk About…

Dignity, Privacy, Safety, Human Trafficking…Courage and Resilience. Safety – that’s why we are obscuring the faces of minors on our website. Thanks for understanding. Margarita, like most of our teen girls these past several years, came to us in from an abusive situation. She also has a severe spinal problem that is being diagnosed and […]
September 2023 – Executive Director’s Reflections & News from El Salvador
Let’s Talk About Child Trafficking With this summer’s popularity of the movie, The Sound of Freedom, we welcome the attention to human, and child, trafficking. So, let’s talk about “child trafficking”. It conjures images of abduction by strangers, transport across legal jurisdictions, huge amounts of money changing hands, and shadowy “consumers” of those trafficked. The […]
September 2023 Memorials & Honorary

Memorial Gifts Honorary Gifts
Before You Leave For the Summer…

Gifts from – and for – schools! Thank You! Padua Franciscan High School (Parma, OH) Magnificat High School (Rocky River, OH) Edison High School (Milan, OH) Desks for our school Stoves and refrigerators Reading the instructions, thanks to education Magnificat! Your gift of $750 from The Hispanic/Latina Student Association uniform-free day has helped us to […]
What We Did on Our Summer Vacation

As many of you know, and may have even experienced this summer, a portion of COAR’s funding is raised through the Mission Cooperative Plan or “mission appeal” at various churches around North America. Our speakers often enjoy meeting new supporters, connecting with people about El Salvador or our mission, and even occasionally running into donors […]
More about Fr. Juan Carlos

This blog article is a follow-up to our August e-mail feature article about meeting Fr. Juan Carlos Tejada, a COAR school graduate and now pastor of one of the parishes we visited this summer! Father Juan Carlos grew up in San José Villanueva, the next town over from Zaragoza, where COAR is located. He is the oldest […]