March 2025 – Sometimes all you can see is . . . that they are just girls

Sometimes all you can see is . . . that they are just girls from their first sponsorship letters Kathya is 15 years old. She likes the color purple, lasagna, and sleeping. She came to COAR just about a year ago. Dinora entered COAR in August of 2022. She was nine years old. Dinora likes […]
Self-Care and Care from Others

Health Care At COAR — Adapting to Some Special Circumstances Health care is a priority for COAR, of course. But we have the added challenge that comes with feminine health needs: not to re-traumatize girls who have been traumatized around their sexuality. Our staff helps the girls learn how to do self-exams and to deal […]
Sept. News – CORN healing body and soul – Solidarity 1 of 3

Corn first evolved in Central America and has gone on to be fundamental to world food supplies. But back where it all started . . . the pictures below show the total corn cycle at COAR. It starts with planting corn on our large campus in the spring. This year the St. Edward High School […]
Sept. News – Teaching English, Soccer, the Party! – Solidarity 2 of 3

During a week-long visit in June (the first visitors we’ve had since 2019) the men of St. Edward High School, Lakewood, OH, spent quality time with the students of the COAR high school (teaching English, our standard, and most valuable service!) and quality time with some of our residents. This included a nice sit-down dinner […]
Sept. News – Martyrs and the Beauty – and the Poverty – of the Countryside – Solidarity 3 of 3

Solidarity among the martyrs and the charming town of Teotepeque The St. Edward High School visitors (June 2022) learned of El Salvador past at Park Cuscatlan, which has a wall of names (like that in the US for the Vietnam war) of those who died in the war. Then, at the Chapel of the Four […]
The Professionalism that Leads to Healing

Natural Disasters and Personal Trauma Professionalism Deals with All of It El Salvador (and COAR) WILL be hit with an earthquake, hurricane, or wildfire in the near future. It is inevitable. But COAR will be ready for them. Other traumas, childhood traumas, abuse and violence, these, too, require preparation and professional training. COAR’s professional staff consists of a “technical team” which has […]
Special Feature: COAR Kids’ Artwork

Thanks to this summer’s auction, we here at COAR (and you) have been privileged to enjoy some of the paintings from our residents. But now, these wonderful young artists are getting internet-wide exposure through participation in the Memory and Resistance exhibit. This exhibit, sponsored by InterReligious Task Force on Central America and Colombia, COAR Peace Mission, Ursuline […]
This is why you give: 40 years of keeping children safe and enabling resilience

The children are safe from this pandemic. The children are meeting the challenges of this pandemic. The children will be prepared when this pandemic ends. When this 40th year began we thought it would be non-stop celebrations at the Children’s Village, in our town and parish in Zaragoza, all over El Salvador, and among supporters […]
September 2020 – Executive Director’s Reflections & News from El Salvador

It Is Going to Get Worse Before It Gets Better ~ There is no way to soften this: we need $150,000 to replace the loss of $150,000 that we will NOT receive from our annual mission appeals. As most of you know, COAR participates in the Mission Co-operative Plan of the Catholic Church . . .
August 15th – Foundation Day

August 15th – Foundation Day – A Day of Joy between two sorrows – and Joy for 40 years August 15th is the Catholic feast day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven. It was also the birthday of St. Romero in 1915. As refugee children came to the CLAM Team Parish […]