Newsletter – Web

June 2016 Newsletter Romero Days pg. 2-3

2016 Romero Days, March 31-April 1, featured presentations of the legacy of Sr. Dorothy Kazel, OSU, one of the four North American Churchwomen ~ COAR is one of her lasting legacies The Romero Lecture Series is an annual event that gathers scholars, social justice workers, creative artists, and others who honor and promote the legacy of Blessed Romero in […]

June 2016 Newsletter Mother’s Day ~ Father’s Day ~ Day of the Family pg. 4-5

Mothers’ Day From left to right; Julie Haverland (Missy’s mom), Judy Doppes (RIP), Missy Terrill (RIP), and Jane Tillar Excerpt from newsletter of June 2009 (pictured, right) Gamaliel: “Do you know Ms. Doppes?” I said, “Yes I do know them. They love you very much.” He answered, “I know, look!” From Missy’s e-mails of January […]

June 2016 Newsletter Executive Director and News from El Salvador pg.6

Watercolor original by: Marie Spaeder Haas

From the Peace Mission’s Executive Director By Mary K. Stevenson Mothers and Fathers – they need you COAR raises children with love and security, school and health care, fun and responsibility. But the ultimate goal is to prepare them to be good parents. There is nothing more important, as the story, right, from The Economist, […]

March 2016 Newsletter Your Gifts Build Strength and Gentleness- the school, pg. 1

March 2016 Newsletter Your Gifts Build Strength and Gentleness Strength – the school, pg. 1 Gentleness – the children, pgs. 4-5 Rosita Graduates from Kindergarten “There is no strength like gentleness, and no gentleness like real strength.” -St. Francis de Sales The 2015 (November) graduation class of COAR High School The students and teachers cannot […]

March 2016 Newsletter COAR Co-founder, RIP: Sister Audrey Walsh, CCVI, 1921-2015

COAR Co-founder, RIP: Sister Audrey Walsh, CCVI, 1921-2015 Those of you new to COAR might not know that our history goes back to 1980.  That is the year when Bl. Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, was murdered. That summer, as the refugee camps filled, a priest, Fr. Ken Myers, a member of the Cleveland Latin American Mission (CLAM) Team, brought a few children […]

March 2016 Newsletter Your Gifts Build Strength and Gentleness- the children, pgs. 4-5

March 2016 Newsletter Your Gifts Build Strength and Gentleness Strength – the school, pg. 1Gentleness – the children, pgs. 4-5 Juan Carlos came to COAR in 2002. He graduated in November 2015 (the Salvadoran school year begins and ends with the calendar year.) He was one of the students selected for the Intercontinental Hotel internship […]

March 2016 Newsletter Executive Director

Watercolor original by: Marie Spaeder Haas

From the Peace Mission’s Executive Director by Mary K. Stevenson Many of COAR’s supporters are not Catholic. But they appreciate the spirit and integrity with which we approach our Catholic mission. Being Catholic also gives us centuries of experience and wisdom to draw upon. St. Francis de Sales was bishop of Geneva from 1602-1622, while […]

Two great new workshops: Dress Making & Handicrafts

Anyone with teenagers knows that kids are not always “motivated” by the intrinsic joy of traditional academics. Now, COAR offers several wonderful semester long workshops designed to supplement the traditional academic disciplines.  These workshops play a much larger role than you might, at first, suspect.   Pictured above, three graduates from the dress making workshop […]