Up Close: COAR’s Kids

“All I Want for Christmas is Yooouu”

At a Christmas party thrown in November the new COAR residents are already doing what youth always does ~ making new friends, bringing new energy and talents, and healing. Merry Christmas! Jennifer, at COAR from the age of 1 year old, welcomes everyone to the party. Danna helps Dinora read a Christmas poem. Valeria shows […]

December 2022 – Executive Director’s Reflections & News from El Salvador

Watercolor original by: Marie Spaeder Haas

“Treated No Better than a Rag” In our regular meetings at COAR we learn the heart-breaking details about how the newest children and teens have come to be at COAR. They are minors so we shield their privacy as well as, literally, keep them safe from their past. At our most recent, mid-November meeting, our […]

Community Film School Finale

The Moment We’ve All Been Waiting For… For nearly three years, we’ve been talking about the Community Film School. We’ve seen pictures of works in progress, meet-ups, and classes. We’ve heard about how COAR’s kids are growing in skills, confidence, and experience. But we haven’t (yet) seen any final projects. Now, after hours and hours […]

The Living Stations of the Cross

A Tradition Throughout Latin America Celebrated at COAR with Vitality! Below left, Carlos Alberto at the Good Friday meditation display. Below right, with sister Karla Liliana at Raúl’s 40-day remembrance Mass. The “empty tomb” at the end of the Easter celebration, “He is not here, He is risen.” These traditions heal and give hope.

The Last Shall Be First

Raul’s 40-day Remembrance mass (Feb 17th) – A Latin American Tradition Raul’s 40-day remembrance mass with his photo in front Dionisio describes a holy card gift he had planned with Raul Each resident selects a card and treat provided by Raul before his death The residents hold Raul’s photo as a gentle remembrance The residents […]

Your Gifts are a Living Posada

Providing our Children Room at the Inn A “posada” is a traditional procession during the nine days before Christmas in Latin America. (The COAR children staged it in November when we visited.) A couple, playing Mary and Joseph, knock on doors asking for a room. The “innkeepers” behind the room refuse them entry. (Sometimes the […]

The Professionalism that Leads to Healing

Natural Disasters and Personal Trauma Professionalism Deals with All of It El Salvador (and COAR) WILL be hit with an earthquake, hurricane, or wildfire in the near future. It is inevitable. But COAR will be ready for them. Other traumas, childhood traumas, abuse and violence, these, too, require preparation and professional training. COAR’s professional staff consists of a “technical team” which has […]

Community Film School and Facing Reality

Or, how to keep busy during an ongoing pandemic . . . Interhouse soccer tournaments, daily gospel reflections, and Zumba videos can only get you so far—even with the usual schoolwork and household chores. So Marta, our director, has found a creative outlet for six of our COAR kids. She’s signed them up for film […]

Baptisms, First Communions, and Confirmations

Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations Despite the pandemic, the eternal… …for 2,000 years, through plagues, natural disasters, and wars, children have grown in grace through these sacred rituals. Catechumans wait to receive the light of Christ… …in the form of their baptismal candles Newly baptized Though often celebrated in the spring in North America, the sacraments […]

Special Feature: COAR Kids’ Artwork

Thanks to this summer’s auction, we here at COAR (and you) have been privileged to enjoy some of the paintings from our residents. But now, these wonderful young artists are getting internet-wide exposure through participation in the Memory and Resistance exhibit. This exhibit, sponsored by InterReligious Task Force on Central America and Colombia, COAR Peace Mission, Ursuline […]